Browse Source

p1s callouts

amki 3 years ago
  1. 8
  2. 70
  3. 53
  4. 208
  5. 36
  6. 106
  7. 165
  8. 19


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
This directory holds user-defined configuration for UI modules.
Each file should be named <module>.js for variables and <module>.css for
layout/style settings where <module> is the name of the module that will
load the config.
Copy and rename the <module>-example.js file to <module>.js for an easy
starting point.


@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// Rename this file to `jobs.js` and edit it to change the jobs ui.
// Zones to show food buff warning, when at max level.
Options.WellFedZoneRegex =
/^(Unknown Zone \([0-9A-Fa-f]+\)|Deltascape.*(Ultimate|Savage).*|.* Coil Of Bahamut.*(Ultimate|Savage).*)|Alexander.*(Ultimate|Savage).*$/;
// The food buff warning is shown when you're below this level.
// Update this when new expansion happens.
Options.MaxLevel = 80;
// List of jobs to show an hp value for (defaults to tanks).
Options.ShowHPNumber = ['PLD', 'WAR', 'DRK', 'GNB'];
// List of jobs to show an mp value for.
Options.ShowMPNumber = ['BLM', 'DRK'];
// The recast time for Aetherflow.
Options.SmnAetherflowRecast = 60;
// The distance that offensive spells such as Verareo, Bio, etc are castable.
Options.FarThresholdOffence = 24;
// When MP falls below this, the MP bar is highlighted with the .low CSS class
// on dark knight.
Options.DrkLowMPThreshold = 4800;
// When MP falls below this, the MP bar is highlighted with the .low CSS class
// on paladin.
Options.PldLowMPThreshold = 2880;
// When MP falls below this, the MP bar is highlighted with the .low CSS class
// on black mage.
Options.BlmLowMPThreshold = 2400;
const kRed =
// Remove these /* and */ comment lines to enable the example code below.
// Overrides for all of the "big buffs" that appear to the left or right
// of the hp/mp bars. This is stuff like trick/embolden/devotion/etc.
Options.PerBuffOptions = {
// The name of the buff to override. These available buffs are:
// trick, litany, embolden, balance, chain, hyper, sight, brotherhood,
// devotion, requiem
trick: {
// By default everything is on the right. This puts the icon on the
// left for better visibility.
side: 'left',
// The border color. See:
// This example sets trick to use a white border.
borderColor: '#FFFFFF',
// The icon to use. This is a url or a data url like this. This
// example sets trick to use a bright red icon instead.
icon: kRed,
// If true (instead of false here), this will hide the buff and
// prevent it from being shown.
hide: false,
// sortKey controls the order of the buffs when multiple buffs are shown.
// Smaller numbers are higher priority and will be shown closer to
// the middle. The existing buffs are ordered 0-10, but you can use any
// numerical value you want here, including negatives.
// This example sets trick to be a very high priority.
sortKey: 1000,


@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// Rename this file to `oopsyraidsy.js` then edit to change the oopsyraidsy ui.
// A set of triggers to be ignored. The key is the 'id' of the trigger, and
// the value should be true if the trigger is to be ignored, whereas false
// will have no effect. The trigger ids can be found in the trigger files for
// each fight in the files inside of this directory:
Options.DisabledTriggers = {
'General Rabbit Medium': true,
'General Early Pull': true,
'Test Bootshine': true,
// A set of nicknames to use for players. By default, first names are used to
// make the mistake lines shorter. If a player's name appears in this map,
// their nickname will be used instead of their first name.
Options.PlayerNicks = {
'Darkest Edgelord': 'Mary',
'Captain Jimmy': 'Jimmy',
'Pipira Pira': '&#x1F41F;',
// A set of ability ids (in hex) to other ability names. This is primarily
// used for abillity names that ACT doesn't know yet (e.g. Unknown_26B4).
// For example: Rename wings of salvation to White Swirly because that's what
// everybody in your raid group calls it.
Options.AbilityIdNameMap['26CA'] = 'White Swirly';
// An array of user-defined triggers, in the format defined in the readme:
// Here's an example trigger to show a line in the mistake log when
// you crit adlo yourself in Summerford Farms.
Options.Triggers = [
zoneId: ZoneId.MiddleLaNoscea,
triggers: [
id: 'Test Self Crit Adlo',
healRegex: 'B9', // Adloquium ability id
condition: function(e, data, matches) {
return e.targetName === && matches.flags === '10004';
mistake: function(e, data) {
const text = e.abilityName + ': ' + e.damageStr;
return { type: 'good', blame: e.targetName, text: text };
// ...more triggers here...


@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
### P1S: Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage)
# -it 'Erichthonios' -oc 'Erichthonios' -p "6629:14.1"
hideall "--Reset--"
hideall "--sync--"
# choose what you want to hide! (add # at the beginning to "hideall" / remove # to hide)
# hideall "Physis"
# hideall "Kera"
# hideall "Ixo"
# hideall "Holos"
# hideall "Pan"
# hideall "Pneuma"
hideall "Macro"
hideall "Neutral"
hideall "Star"
hideall "StarPop"
hideall "Collective"
hideall "Opposition"
hideall "HoroscopeNoGcd"
hideall "HoroscopeWith"
hideall "Strassenkreuzung"
hideall "Exaltation"
hideall "Synastry"
0.0 "--Reset--" sync / 21:........:40000010:/ window 100000 jump 0
# First flail set
0.0 "--sync--" sync /Engage!/ window 0,1
9.4 "--middle--" sync / 14:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6629:/ window 11,9
14.1 "Heavy Hand" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6629:/
18.2 "--sync--" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:65F5:/
22.8 "Aetherial Shackles" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6625:/
31.6 "sge_Kera_Physis"
31.9 "Warder's Wrath" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662A:/
36.0 "ast_Opposition"
36.2 "sge_Ixo"
41.7 "Chain Pain" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662[78]:/
49.0 "ast_Star"
57.7 "Gaoler's Flail" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6(5F[6-F]|60[01]):/
60.8 "Gaoler's Flail" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6DA[2-9A-D]:/
# First tank mechanic
72.1 "Pitiless Flail of Grace/Pitiless Flail of Purgation" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:660[EF]:/
74.8 "ast_Collective"
74.8 "sge_Kera"
75.5 "True Flare/True Holy" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[01]:/
80.0 "sge_Ixo"
# Second flail set
91.1 "Gaoler's Flail" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6(5F[6-F]|60[01]):/
94.2 "Gaoler's Flail" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6DA[2-9A-D]:/
105.0 "sge_Kera"
105.3 "Warder's Wrath" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662A:/
109.0 "ast_Star"
109.1 "sge_Ixo"
# Tiles 1
118.5 "Intemperance" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661E:/
122.6 "--sync--" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:65F5:/
135.3 "First Element" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662[12]:/
140.5 "ast_Opposition_Macro"
141.0 "sge_Kera_Pan"
141.4 "Warder's Wrath" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662A:/
145.5 "sge_Physis__Ixo"
146.4 "Second Element" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662[123]:/
151.5 "sge_Holos"
151.6 "Warder's Wrath" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662A:/
157.3 "Third Element" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662[12]:/
161.0 "sge_Pneuma"
# Second tank mechanic
167.9 "Pitiless Flail of Grace/Pitiless Flail of Purgation" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:660[EF]:/
169.0 "ast_Star"
171.1 "True Flare/True Holy" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[01]:/
# Cells 1
188.0 "sge_Kera"
188.0 "ast_Collective"
188.2 "Shining Cells" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6616:/
194.0 "sge_Ixo"
194.5 "--sync--" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:65F5:/
208.6 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[AB]:/
208.6 "Gaoler's Flail" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6DA[2-9A-D]:/
211.4 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[AB]:/
211.4 "Gaoler's Flail" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6DA[2-9A-D]:/
224.2 "Pitiless Flail of Grace/Pitiless Flail of Purgation" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:660[EF]:/
227.6 "True Flare/True Holy" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[01]:/
229.0 "ast_Star"
229.7 "--sync--" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:65F5:/
243.7 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[AB]:/
243.7 "Gaoler's Flail" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6DA[2-9A-D]:/
246.5 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[AB]:/
246.5 "Gaoler's Flail" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6DA[2-9A-D]:/
255.1 "Shackles of Time" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661C:/
265.3 "Heavy Hand" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6629:/
270.0 "Inevitable Flame/Inevitable Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6EC[12]:/
278.2 "sge_Kera"
278.2 "ast_Collective"
278.4 "Slam Shut" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6617:/
281.0 "sge_Pneuma"
289.0 "ast_Star"
289.6 "--sync--" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:65F5:/
# Fourfold Shackles
294.0 "sge_Pan"
294.0 "ast_Opposition"
294.2 "Fourfold Shackles" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6626:/
303.2 "Chain Pain #1" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662[78]:/
308.2 "Chain Pain #2" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662[78]:/
313.2 "Chain Pain #3" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662[78]:/
318.2 "Chain Pain #4" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662[78]:/
326.0 "sge_Pneuma"
328.0 "ast_HoroscopeNoGcd"
328.0 "sge_Kera_Physis"
328.4 "Warder's Wrath" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662A:/
334.0 "sge_Ixo"
# Tiles 2
341.6 "Intemperance" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661E:/
345.7 "--sync--" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:65F5:/
349.0 "ast_Star"
358.6 "First Element" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662[12]:/
369.6 "Second Element" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662[12]:/
373.2 "Gaoler's Flail In/Out" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6(5F[6-F]|60[01]):/
376.3 "Gaoler's Flail Out/In" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6DA[2-9A-D]:/
380.6 "Third Element" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662[12]:/
389.2 "sge_Kera_Holos"
389.4 "Warder's Wrath" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662A:/
393.5 "ast_Opposition"
# Cells 2, Shackles of Time first
407.4 "ast_Collective"
407.6 "Shining Cells" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6616:/
408.0 "sge_Ixo"
409.0 "ast_Star"
417.8 "Shackles of Time/Aetherial Shackles" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661C:/
417.8 "--sync--" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6625:/ jump 1010.8
419.2 "ast_Pop_Star"
425.1 "Pitiless Flail of Grace/Pitiless Flail of Purgation" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:660[EF]:/
428.4 "True Flare/True Holy" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[01]:/
432.8 "Inevitable Flame/Inevitable Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6EC[12]:/
441.8 "sge_Kera"
441.8 "ast_Neutral"
441.9 "Warder's Wrath" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662A:/
448.8 "sge_Physis_Ixo"
449.1 "--sync--" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:65F5:/
453.8 "sge_Holos"
453.9 "Aetherial Shackles" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6625:/
465.1 "Aetherchain" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6619:/
466.0 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[AB]:/
472.9 "Chain Pain" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662[78]:/
474.2 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[AB]:/
485.3 "sge_Kera"
485.3 "ast_Collective"
485.5 "Warder's Wrath" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662A:/ jump 1077.3
506.6 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light + Gaoler's Flail"
509.4 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light + Gaoler's Flail"
# Cells 2, Aetherial Shackles first
1010.8 "Aetherial Shackles" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6625:/
1012.2 "ast_Pop_Star"
1021.9 "Aetherchain" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6619:/
1022.8 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[AB]:/
1029.7 "Chain Pain" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662[78]:/
1031.0 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[AB]:/
1040.1 "sge_Kera"
1040.1 "ast_Neutral"
1040.3 "Warder's Wrath" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662A:/
1044.3 "sge_Physis_Ixo"
1051.5 "Shackles of Time" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661C:/
1058.9 "Pitiless Flail of Grace" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:660E:/
1062.1 "True Flare/True Holy" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[01]:/
1066.4 "Inevitable Flame/Inevitable Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6EC[12]:/
1077.1 "sge_Kera"
1077.1 "ast_Collective"
1077.3 "Warder's Wrath" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662A:/
1084.5 "--sync--" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:65F5:/
# Seems to be E/W+In/Out for first two, and last one swaps between In/Out
1098.6 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[AB]:/
1098.6 "Gaoler's Flail" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6DA[2-9A-D]:/
1101.4 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[AB]:/
1101.4 "Gaoler's Flail" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6DA[2-9A-D]:/
1115.7 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[AB]:/
1115.7 "Gaoler's Flail" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6DA[2-9A-D]:/
1119.5 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[AB]:/
1119.5 "Gaoler's Flail" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6DA[2-9A-D]:/
1134.2 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[AB]:/
1134.2 "Gaoler's Flail" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6DA[2-9A-D]:/
1137.3 "Powerful Fire/Powerful Light" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:661[AB]:/
1137.3 "Gaoler's Flail" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6DA[2-9A-D]:/
# Soft enrage
1152.7 "Warder's Wrath" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662A:/
1161.9 "Warder's Wrath" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662A:/
1171.1 "Warder's Wrath" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:662A:/
1177.0 "--sync--" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:65F5:/
1190.6 "Lethe (enrage)" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Erichthonios:6618:/


@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Rename this file to `radar.js` and edit it to change the radar ui.
// This file is Javascript. Anything after "//" on a line is a comment.
// If you edit this file, remember to reload ACT or click the "Reload overlay"
// button on the raidboss CactbotOverlay.
// If there are errors in this file, they will appear in the OverlayPlugin.dll
// log window in ACT.
// You can add your own monster list here.
Options.CustomMonsters = {
// 'Any': {
// 'name': { // monster names
// 'en': 'ya-te-veo',
// 'cn': '食人花',
// 'ja': 'ヤテベオ',
// },
// 'hp': 1000, // minimum hp of the monster
// 'rank': 'Custom', // rank
// },
// You can also add different options to different ranks.
Options.RankOptions = {
// 'S': {
// DetectionRange: 100,
// TTS: true,
// Type: 'mob', // can be 'mob' or 'any'
// Enabled: true,
// },
// 'Custom': {
// DetectionRange: 500,
// TTS: false,
// PopSoundAlert: true,
// Type: 'any',
// Enabled: true,
// },


@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
// Rename this file to `raidboss.js` and edit it to change the raidboss ui.
// This file is Javascript. Anything after "//" on a line is a comment.
// If you edit this file, remember to reload ACT or click the "Reload overlay"
// button on the raidboss overlay.
// If there are errors in this file, they will appear in the OverlayPlugin.dll
// log window in ACT.
// See:
// Path to sound played for info-priority text popups, or when "Info" is
// specified as the sound name.
Options.InfoSound = '../../resources/sounds/freesound/percussion_hit.webm';
// Path to sound played for alert-priority text popups, or when "Alert" is
// specified as the sound name.
Options.AlertSound = '../../resources/sounds/BigWigs/Alert.webm';
// Path to sound played for alarm-priority text popups, or when "Alarm" is
// specified as the sound name.
Options.AlarmSound = '../../resources/sounds/BigWigs/Alarm.webm';
// Path to sound played when "Long" is specified as the sound name.
Options.LongSound = '../../resources/sounds/BigWigs/Long.webm';
// Path to sound played when the fight starts, or when "Pull" is
// specified as the sound name.
Options.PullSound = '../../resources/sounds/freesound/sonar.webm';
// A set of nicknames to use for players, when trying to shorten names.
// See:
Options.PlayerNicks = {
'Captain Jimmy': 'Jimmy',
'Pipira Pira': 'Fish',
// An array of user-defined triggers, in the format defined in the trigger guide:
// See:
// See also:
// Here's an example of overriding a trigger.
// This overrides the "Test Poke" trigger from:
zoneId: ZoneId.MiddleLaNoscea,
triggers: [
id: 'Test Poke',
netRegex: NetRegexes.gameNameLog({ line: 'You poke the striking dummy.*?', capture: false }),
netRegexDe: NetRegexes.gameNameLog(
{ line: 'Du stupst die Trainingspuppe an.*?', capture: false },
netRegexFr: NetRegexes.gameNameLog(
line: 'Vous touchez légèrement le mannequin d\'entraînement du doigt.*?',
capture: false,
netRegexJa: NetRegexes.gameNameLog({ line: '.*は木人をつついた.*?', capture: false }),
netRegexCn: NetRegexes.gameNameLog({ line: '.*用手指戳向木人.*?', capture: false }),
netRegexKo: NetRegexes.gameNameLog({ line: '.*나무인형을 쿡쿡 찌릅니다.*?', capture: false }),
preRun: function(data) {
data.pokes = (data.pokes || 0) + 1;
// Instead of printing the number of pokes with infoText like the original trigger,
// This overrides the type and text of the output.
alarmText: 'POKE (user file override)',
// Here's an example of overriding a timeline.
// This overrides the test timeline that you normally play with a `/countdown 5` in Middle La Noscea
// with an updated one from `user/test-override.txt`.
zoneId: ZoneId.MiddleLaNoscea,
// This flag is required to clear any previously specified timelines.
overrideTimelineFile: true,
// This file is in the same directory as this JavaScript file.
timelineFile: 'test-override.txt',
// Here's an example of a adding a custom regen trigger.
// It reminds you to use regen again when you are in Sastasha (unsynced).
// The zone this should apply to.
// This should match the zoneId in the triggers file.
zoneId: ZoneId.Sastasha,
triggers: [
// A more complicated regen trigger.
// This is a made up id that does not exist in cactbot.
id: 'User Example Regen',
// This will match log lines from ACT that look like this:
// "Nacho Queen gains the effect of Regen from Taco Cat for 21.00 Seconds."
regex: Regexes.gainsEffect({ effect: 'Regen' }),
delaySeconds: function(data, matches) {
// Wait the amount of seconds regen lasts before reminding you to
// reapply it. This is not smart enough to figure out if you
// cast it twice, and is left as an exercise for the reader to
// figure out how to do so via storing variables on `data`.
return data.ParseLocaleFloat(matches.duration);
alertText: 'Regen',


@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
// Rename this file to `raidboss.js` and edit it to change the raidboss ui.
// This file is Javascript. Anything after "//" on a line is a comment.
// If you edit this file, remember to reload ACT or click the "Reload overlay"
// button on the raidboss overlay.
// If there are errors in this file, they will appear in the OverlayPlugin.dll
// log window in ACT.
// See:
// Path to sound played for info-priority text popups, or when "Info" is
// specified as the sound name.
Options.InfoSound = '../../resources/sounds/freesound/percussion_hit.webm';
// Path to sound played for alert-priority text popups, or when "Alert" is
// specified as the sound name.
Options.AlertSound = '../../resources/sounds/BigWigs/Alert.webm';
// Path to sound played for alarm-priority text popups, or when "Alarm" is
// specified as the sound name.
Options.AlarmSound = '../../resources/sounds/BigWigs/Alarm.webm';
// Path to sound played when "Long" is specified as the sound name.
Options.LongSound = '../../resources/sounds/BigWigs/Long.webm';
// Path to sound played when the fight starts, or when "Pull" is
// specified as the sound name.
Options.PullSound = '../../resources/sounds/freesound/sonar.webm';
// A set of nicknames to use for players, when trying to shorten names.
// See:
Options.PlayerNicks = {
'Captain Jimmy': 'Jimmy',
'Pipira Pira': 'Fish',
// An array of user-defined triggers, in the format defined in the trigger guide:
// See:
// See also:
// Here's an example of overriding a trigger.
// This overrides the "Test Poke" trigger from:
zoneId: ZoneId.MiddleLaNoscea,
triggers: [
id: 'Test Poke',
netRegex: NetRegexes.gameNameLog({ line: 'You poke the striking dummy.*?', capture: false }),
netRegexDe: NetRegexes.gameNameLog(
{ line: 'Du stupst die Trainingspuppe an.*?', capture: false },
netRegexFr: NetRegexes.gameNameLog(
line: 'Vous touchez légèrement le mannequin d\'entraînement du doigt.*?',
capture: false,
netRegexJa: NetRegexes.gameNameLog({ line: '.*は木人をつついた.*?', capture: false }),
netRegexCn: NetRegexes.gameNameLog({ line: '.*用手指戳向木人.*?', capture: false }),
netRegexKo: NetRegexes.gameNameLog({ line: '.*나무인형을 쿡쿡 찌릅니다.*?', capture: false }),
preRun: function(data) {
data.pokes = (data.pokes || 0) + 1;
// Instead of printing the number of pokes with infoText like the original trigger,
// This overrides the type and text of the output.
alarmText: 'POKE (user file override)',
const healCallout = (data, matches, _output) => {
console.log(data, matches);
const spells = matches[0].split('_');
let res = 'USE ';
for (let i = 1; i < spells.length; ++i)
res += ' ' + spells[i];
return res;
// Astro
zoneId: ZoneId.MatchAll,
timelineTriggers: [
id: 'AST Healer Callouts',
regex: /ast_.*/,
condition: function(data) {
return data.job === 'AST';
beforeSeconds: 4,
alarmText: healCallout,
id: 'SCH Healer Callouts',
regex: /sch_.*/,
condition: function(data) {
return data.job === 'SCH';
beforeSeconds: 4,
alarmText: healCallout,
id: 'SGE Healer Callouts',
regex: /sge_.*/,
condition: function(data) {
return data.job === 'SGE';
beforeSeconds: 4,
alarmText: healCallout,
id: 'WHM Healer Callouts',
regex: /whm_.*/,
condition: function(data) {
return data.job === 'WHM';
beforeSeconds: 4,
alarmText: healCallout,
// Here's an example of overriding a timeline.
// This overrides the test timeline that you normally play with a `/countdown 5` in Middle La Noscea
// with an updated one from `user/test-override.txt`.
zoneId: ZoneId.MiddleLaNoscea,
// This flag is required to clear any previously specified timelines.
overrideTimelineFile: true,
// This file is in the same directory as this JavaScript file.
timelineFile: 'test-override.txt',
zoneId: ZoneId.AsphodelosTheFirstCircleSavage,
// This flag is required to clear any previously specified timelines.
overrideTimelineFile: true,
// This file is in the same directory as this JavaScript file.
timelineFile: 'p1s-override.txt',
// Here's an example of a adding a custom regen trigger.
// It reminds you to use regen again when you are in Sastasha (unsynced).
// The zone this should apply to.
// This should match the zoneId in the triggers file.
zoneId: ZoneId.Sastasha,
triggers: [
// A more complicated regen trigger.
// This is a made up id that does not exist in cactbot.
id: 'User Example Regen',
// This will match log lines from ACT that look like this:
// "Nacho Queen gains the effect of Regen from Taco Cat for 21.00 Seconds."
regex: Regexes.gainsEffect({ effect: 'Regen' }),
delaySeconds: function(data, matches) {
// Wait the amount of seconds regen lasts before reminding you to
// reapply it. This is not smart enough to figure out if you
// cast it twice, and is left as an exercise for the reader to
// figure out how to do so via storing variables on `data`.
return data.ParseLocaleFloat(matches.duration);
alertText: 'Regen',


@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# I am but a wee little test timeline override
# This is an example of how to override your timeline.
# The original file is in:
0 "--Reset--" sync /You bid farewell to the striking dummy/ window 10000 jump 0
0 "Engage" sync /:Engage!/ window 100000,100000
0 "Start" sync /:You bow courteously to the striking dummy/ window 0,1
6 "Angry Dummy II"
10 "Long Castbar IV" duration 10
12 "If you see this"
13 "you have overridden"
14 "the test timeline"
15 "with user/raidboss.js"
25 "Final Sting X"
40 "Death"