Cactbot's user folder
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// Rename this file to `jobs.js` and edit it to change the jobs ui.
// Zones to show food buff warning, when at max level.
Options.WellFedZoneRegex =
/^(Unknown Zone \([0-9A-Fa-f]+\)|Deltascape.*(Ultimate|Savage).*|.* Coil Of Bahamut.*(Ultimate|Savage).*)|Alexander.*(Ultimate|Savage).*$/;
// The food buff warning is shown when you're below this level.
// Update this when new expansion happens.
Options.MaxLevel = 80;
// List of jobs to show an hp value for (defaults to tanks).
Options.ShowHPNumber = ['PLD', 'WAR', 'DRK', 'GNB'];
// List of jobs to show an mp value for.
Options.ShowMPNumber = ['BLM', 'DRK'];
// The recast time for Aetherflow.
Options.SmnAetherflowRecast = 60;
// The distance that offensive spells such as Verareo, Bio, etc are castable.
Options.FarThresholdOffence = 24;
// When MP falls below this, the MP bar is highlighted with the .low CSS class
// on dark knight.
Options.DrkLowMPThreshold = 4800;
// When MP falls below this, the MP bar is highlighted with the .low CSS class
// on paladin.
Options.PldLowMPThreshold = 2880;
// When MP falls below this, the MP bar is highlighted with the .low CSS class
// on black mage.
Options.BlmLowMPThreshold = 2400;
const kRed =
// Remove these /* and */ comment lines to enable the example code below.
// Overrides for all of the "big buffs" that appear to the left or right
// of the hp/mp bars. This is stuff like trick/embolden/devotion/etc.
Options.PerBuffOptions = {
// The name of the buff to override. These available buffs are:
// trick, litany, embolden, balance, chain, hyper, sight, brotherhood,
// devotion, requiem
trick: {
// By default everything is on the right. This puts the icon on the
// left for better visibility.
side: 'left',
// The border color. See:
// This example sets trick to use a white border.
borderColor: '#FFFFFF',
// The icon to use. This is a url or a data url like this. This
// example sets trick to use a bright red icon instead.
icon: kRed,
// If true (instead of false here), this will hide the buff and
// prevent it from being shown.
hide: false,
// sortKey controls the order of the buffs when multiple buffs are shown.
// Smaller numbers are higher priority and will be shown closer to
// the middle. The existing buffs are ordered 0-10, but you can use any
// numerical value you want here, including negatives.
// This example sets trick to be a very high priority.
sortKey: 1000,