const fflog = ""; const api = "?api_key="; var indexViewModel; // Do stuff when HTML parsing is ready $(() => { // Document is ready function IndexViewModel() { var self = this; self.apiKey = ko.observable(localStorage.getItem("apikey")); self.logID = ko.observable(""); self.fights = ko.observableArray(); self.friendlies = ko.observableArray(); self.displayFightPicker = ko.observable(false); self.selectedFight = ko.observable(); self.getLog = async function() { var log = await fetchLog(self.logID()); self.fights(log["fights"]); self.friendlies(log["friendlies"]); self.displayFightPicker(true); }; self.formatTime = function(fight) { let secs = (fight.end_time - fight.start_time)/1000; let mins = Math.floor(secs / 60); let rest = Math.floor(secs % 60); return mins+"m"+rest+"s"; }; self.apiKeyChanged = function() { console.log("Setting apiKey to ",self.apiKey()); localStorage.setItem("apikey",self.apiKey()); }; self.fightChanged = function() { console.log("Fight has changed to ",self.selectedFight()); }; }; indexViewModel = new IndexViewModel(); ko.applyBindings(indexViewModel); }); // API request um JSON zu erhalten async function fetchLog(fightId) { let url = fflog + fightId + api + indexViewModel.apiKey(); console.log("Fetching log "+fightId); var res = await fetch(url); if (!res.ok) { console.log(res); throw Error(res.text); } var log = await res.json(); //get specific fight data console.log(log); return log; }